Choose An Exterminator With Over 40 Years of Experience in Pest Control Services in Volusia County

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Choose the Experienced Exterminator

Here at Dave’s Pest Control, we have been serving Daytona Beach for more than 40 years. In those 40 years, we’ve pretty much seen it all, so you can trust us to take care of any pest control services you may need. From rodent control to mosquito control — we do it all.

DavesPestControl - Pest Control Family

What can Dave’s Pest Control in Daytona Beach help with?

Some of our main exterminator services include
but are not limited to:

  • General and preventative pest contol
  • Mosquito control
  • Commercial pest control
  • Termite treatment and inspection
  • Cockroach control and extermination
  • Roaches
  • Lawn services & ant control
  • Rodent control
  • And more!

If you are having trouble with an unwanted pest big or small, our team at Dave’s Pest Control in Daytona Beach can handle it! Reach out to us today for our pest control services.

Pest Control Services

In Daytona Beach, our foremost goal with preventative pest control is to take proactive steps to address potential pest problems, aiming to prevent infestations and safeguard both residential and commercial properties. These preventative actions usually include conducting regular inspections, identifying and sealing potential entry points, and implementing effective treatment measures to deter and eradicate pests. Common pests in Daytona Beach that we target include ants, cockroaches, spiders, termites, mosquitoes, and rodents. Explore our various service treatment options, including one-time, monthly, and bi-monthly plans, to learn more.

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Mosquito Control

In Daytona Beach, the warm climate and plentiful water sources create an inviting atmosphere for residents, tourists and mosquitos. The tourism industry's influx of visitors can exacerbate these challenges, as the increased human activity provides additional opportunities for pests to thrive. To address this, our team of expert exterminators offers tailored solutions to minimize mosquito populations. These solutions encompass a multifaceted approach, including larvicide treatments to target mosquito breeding sites, adulticide treatments for controlling adult mosquitoes, and consultations on source reduction to eliminate stagnant water sources. By proactively implementing these measures, both residents and tourists can enjoy outdoor spaces with significantly reduced mosquito activity.

Commercial Exterminator Services

Ensuring seamless and secure experiences for residents and businesses underscores the critical role of commercial pest control in Daytona Beach. Ongoing pest management and adherence to health and safety standards are paramount to safeguarding both residents and businesses alike. Our expert team is dedicated to addressing the unique vulnerabilities of commercial establishments through comprehensive strategies. This includes thorough inspections, precise identification of pest issues, and the implementation of tailored treatment protocols. Common pests encountered in commercial settings range from rodents and cockroaches to ants, flies, and termites. While our primary focus is on pest elimination, we collaborate closely with building managers and owners to establish proactive plans aimed at preventing infestations before they occur. Contact us to learn more about our industry-specific plans for medical and healthcare facilities, schools, and residences.

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Daytona Beaches Termite Control Experts

Homeowners if you suspect your home has a termite infestation you can’t act quick enough. Signs of termite damage include the following:

  • Wood Damage
  • Mud Tubes
  • Insulation Damage
  • Damage under paint and wallpaper
  • A stuck door or window is also an early indication as they damage the areas around these openings they may not operate properly.

Get peace of mind by calling Dave’s Pest Control in Daytona Beach about a Free Inspection and have one of our Pest Control Professionals assess your home to ensure it is pest-free.

Cockroach Removal

With the prevalence of various cockroach species in the Daytona Beach region, tackling cockroach infestations becomes imperative. Our exterminators offer effective remedies to eradicate and deter these pests. These remedies may encompass targeted applications of insecticides, deployment of baiting systems, and advice on exclusion methods. Our team of pest control specialists conducts thorough inspections to pinpoint hiding places where cockroaches may take refuge and devises tailored treatment strategies accordingly. To ensure thorough elimination and prevent future infestations, regular monitoring and follow-up visits are often recommended.

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Rodent Control

Identifying a rodent or mouse infestation in Daytona Beach typically involves noticing signs such as droppings along baseboards, in boxes, or near food storage areas, as well as hearing scratching or rustling sounds in walls or ceilings. Chewed wiring or food packaging can also indicate their presence. To treat the infestation effectively, it's crucial to hire trained professional pest control technicians who can conduct a thorough inspection to locate entry points and nesting areas. Depending on the extent of the infestation, treatments may include setting traps or using bait stations strategically placed throughout the property. Additionally, sealing off entry points and removing potential nesting sites, such as piles of debris or overgrown vegetation, can help prevent future infestations.

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Daytona Beach Lawn Pest Control Experts

Dave’s lawn spraying combines weed control, pest control, and lawn fertilization into one great service. It will thicken your yard preventing soil runoff as well as give you a wonderful area to enjoy with your family.

Our lawn services will help keep insects like fleas, ants, ticks, wasps, and other common pests out of your sanctuary. Homeowners give us a call for a free quote and we will have a lawn services expert come out and perform a free inspection.

Pest Control For Bed Bugs

In terms of pest problems bed bugs are one that doesn’t only cause damage to your home, a weird musty smell in the house, and the worst is the human interaction component that leads to lack of sleep, rashes, and more.

Extermination of bed bugs is best done by a chemical treatment and our proven treatment methods ensure that we are able to eradicate bed bugs without them building up a resistance to the treatment. Chemical treatments are dangerous and they should be left to professionals. If you suspect your home has a bed bug infestation give us a call for a free inspection.

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