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Keeping your family and loved ones safe – and maintain a bug free home

Keeping your family and loved ones safe – and maintain a bug free home

In the delicate dance between Florida homeowners and the ever persistent world of insects, maintaining a bug free sanctuary often feels like an ongoing challenge. Yet, armed with knowledge and a strategic approach, homeowners can establish an environment that discourages unwanted insect visitors. From the meticulous sealing of entry points to the art of proper waste management, a multitude of practices exist to fortify the defenses of your dwelling against nature’s miniature intruders. In this guide, we delve into a compendium of practical tips designed to empower homeowners in their quest to keep bugs at bay, transforming houses into resilient fortresses against the tiny infiltrators that seek to share our living spaces.

Most homeowners can keep bugs away with some simple tips :

1. Seal Entry Points:

  • Conduct a thorough inspection of your home’s exterior and seal any cracks, gaps, or openings where insects can enter. Pay attention to areas around windows, doors, utility pipes, and foundation.

2. Install Screens

  • Use fine mesh screens on windows and doors to prevent insects from entering while still allowing fresh air to circulate. Ensure that screens are in good condition without any tears.

3. Properly Store Food:

  • Keep food stored in airtight containers to prevent attracting pests. Regularly clean crumbs and spills, and avoid leaving food out overnight.

4. Dispose of Garbage Properly:

  • Seal garbage bags tightly, and use covered bins both indoors and outdoors. Regularly empty and clean trash cans to eliminate odors that attract bugs.

5. Maintain a Clean Environment:

  • Regularly clean and vacuum your home to remove crumbs, spills, and potential hiding spots for insects. Pay attention to kitchens, dining areas, and places where pets eat.

6. Fix Moisture Issues:

  • Repair any leaks in plumbing or fixtures, as standing water attracts certain pests. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas like basements to reduce moisture levels.

7. Trim Vegetation:

  • Trim bushes, trees, and vegetation away from the exterior of your home. Overhanging branches can serve as bridges for insects to access your house.

8. Secure Pet Food:

  • Store pet food in sealed containers and avoid leaving pet food bowls out for extended periods. Clean up spills promptly to avoid attracting pests.

9. Regularly Inspect and Clean Appliances:

  • Check and clean household appliances, such as stoves, ovens, and refrigerators, regularly. Crumbs and food residue can accumulate in and around these appliances.

10. Use Natural Repellents:

  • Consider using natural repellents like citrus peels, vinegar, or essential oils with insect-repelling properties. Place these around entry points to deter bugs.

11. Regularly Inspect and Maintain Outdoor Spaces:

  • Keep outdoor areas tidy by removing debris, mulch, or standing water. Ensure that firewood, compost bins, and outdoor trash containers are placed away from the house.

12. Use Pest-Resistant Plants:

  • Choose plants for your garden that are known to be less attractive to pests. Research and select varieties that naturally repel insects.

13. Professional Pest Control:

  • Schedule regular inspections and treatments by the professionals at Dave’s Pest Control to identify and address potential issues before they become major infestations.

By implementing these tips, homeowners can create an inhospitable environment for bugs, reducing the likelihood of infestations and maintaining a pest-free home.


Keeping your pets safe is of utmost importance to our team members. Here are some tips an average homeowner can implement :

Ensuring the safety of pets when using pesticides is crucial. Here are some tips for homeowners to keep their pets safe:

1. Read and Follow Label Instructions:

  • Carefully read and follow the instructions on pesticide labels. Adhering to recommended application rates and safety guidelines helps minimize the risk to pets.

2. Choose Pet-Friendly Products:

  • Opt for pet-friendly pesticides whenever possible. Look for products labeled as safe for pets or specifically designed for use in homes with animals.

3. Restrict Access to Treated Areas:

  • Keep pets away from areas treated with pesticides for the specified duration mentioned on the product label. Create physical barriers or use pet gates to limit access.

4. Use Outdoor Products with Caution:

  • If using pesticides in outdoor areas, ensure they are designed for exterior use and safe for pets. Keep pets indoors or away from treated areas until it is safe for them to return.

5. Apply Products Strategically:

  • Apply pesticides in targeted areas, avoiding spaces where pets frequently roam or play. Focus on areas with pest activity rather than treating the entire home.

6. Ventilate Treated Areas:

  • Ensure proper ventilation after pesticide application. Open windows and doors to allow fresh air circulation, helping to reduce exposure levels for both pets and humans.

7. Keep Pets Indoors During Application:

  • When applying pesticides indoors, keep pets in a separate, well-ventilated area or temporarily relocate them to a safe place until the treated surfaces are dry.

8. Follow Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Practices:

  • Embrace integrated pest management practices that prioritize preventive measures and minimize reliance on chemical treatments. This approach can reduce the need for frequent pesticide applications.

Dave’s Pest Control is committed to safety. At Dave’s Pest Control, our dedicated mission is to ensure the protection of your home from pests, while prioritizing the safety of you and your pets.

How does a pest control spray kill bugs, but not be harmful to people and pets?

Pest control sprays are formulated with careful consideration to minimize risks to humans and pets while effectively targeting pests. Here’s how they typically achieve this balance:

1. Targeted Formulations:

  • Pest control sprays are often designed with specific active ingredients that target the nervous systems or physiological processes of pests. These ingredients are selected for their effectiveness against pests while having minimal impact on mammals.

2. Low Concentrations:

  • The concentrations of active ingredients in pest control sprays are typically kept low to reduce the risk of harm to humans and pets. This ensures that exposure, even in the event of contact, is within safe limits.

3.Rapid Breakdown:

  • Many modern pest control formulations are designed to break down quickly after application. This rapid breakdown minimizes the persistence of active ingredients in the environment, reducing the potential for prolonged exposure.

4. Mode of Application:

  • Pest control professionals use specific application methods to minimize exposure to humans and pets. Targeted spraying, strategic placement of baits, and the use of enclosed bait stations help limit contact with active ingredients.

5. Follow Safety Guidelines:

  • Following the manufacturer’s safety guidelines and usage instructions is crucial. This includes proper application techniques, recommended waiting periods before re-entering treated areas, and guidelines for storing the product safely.

6. Pet-Friendly Formulations:

  • Some pest control products are explicitly labeled as pet-friendly or safe for use in homes with pets. These formulations undergo testing to ensure that, when used according to instructions, they pose minimal risk to animals.

7. Integrated Pest Management (IPM):

  • Pest control professionals often employ Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies that focus on a combination of methods. This can include improving sanitation, sealing entry points, and using targeted chemical treatments only when necessary, reducing reliance on pesticides.

8. Residue Management:

  • Effective cleaning practices can help manage any residues left by pest control treatments. Promptly wiping down surfaces and properly disposing of treated materials minimize the risk of unintentional exposure.

9. Professional Expertise:

  • Hiring a licensed pest control professional ensures that the right products are used in appropriate concentrations. Professionals are trained to assess the situation, select the most effective and safe treatments, and apply them with precision.

While pest control sprays are formulated to be safe for humans and pets when used as directed, it’s essential to exercise caution during application. Following safety guidelines, minimizing direct contact, and considering alternative methods, when appropriate, contribute to a balanced approach that effectively addresses pest issues while prioritizing the well-being of residents and their pets.

Why do bugs like my home?

Several factors can attract bugs to your home, making it a desirable environment for them to thrive. Here are some common reasons why bugs might be drawn to your home:

1. Food Sources:

  • Leftover food, crumbs, and improperly stored food items can attract a variety of pests. Bugs are particularly attracted to the scent of accessible food in kitchens and dining areas.

2. Standing Water:

  • Pests are attracted to water sources, both for drinking and reproduction. Leaky faucets, condensation, and standing water in trays under potted plants can create an environment that appeals to bugs.

3. Warmth and Shelter:

  • Many bugs seek warmth and shelter, especially during cooler seasons. Gaps in windows, doors, or cracks in walls provide entry points, while attics and basements offer shelter.

4. Clutter:

  • Piles of clutter, whether indoors or outdoors, can provide hiding places and nesting spots for bugs. Eliminating clutter reduces potential habitats for pests.

5. Pet Food and Waste:

  • Leftover pet food and open garbage containers are attractive to pests. Bugs like ants, flies, and roaches can be drawn to these food sources.

6. Unsealed Entry Points:

  • Gaps around windows, doors, and other entry points serve as easy access for bugs. They can exploit these openings to enter your home in search of food and shelter.

7. Dirty Dishes:

  • Dirty dishes and stagnant water in sinks can attract pests, particularly flies and cockroaches. Regularly washing and putting away dishes helps eliminate this attraction.

8. Fruits and Vegetables:

  • Overripe fruits and vegetables emit odors that attract fruit flies and other bugs. Properly storing and disposing of produce helps mitigate this attraction.

9. Moisture Issues:

  • Excessive moisture, whether from leaks or poor ventilation, creates an environment that is conducive to certain pests. Fixing leaks and improving ventilation can help reduce this attraction.

10. Exterior Lighting:

  • Insects are naturally drawn to light. Exterior lights, especially if left on for extended periods, can attract bugs. Consider using insect-resistant bulbs or adjusting lighting practices.

11. Plants and Gardens:

  • Outdoor plants and gardens can attract bugs, which may then find their way indoors. Proper care and maintenance of outdoor spaces can help manage this attraction.

Understanding these factors allows homeowners to take proactive measures to make their homes less appealing to bugs. Regular cleaning, proper food storage, sealing entry points, and addressing moisture issues are effective strategies for bug prevention. If infestations persist, seeking professional pest control assistance can help identify and address the root causes.

If you see bugs in your home, call us today for a free consultation !

If you see one more bug, Call Dave’s !


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