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Florida’s Hidden Invaders: Unearthing the Secret World of Subterranean Termites.

Picture this: a Florida paradise, with a slush, palm trees, and the sunshine and serene beaches, offering homeowners a dreamy haven. But amidst this breathtaking beauty lies a hidden menace that can quietly wreak havoc on your most significant investment.- your home. Enter the world of subterranean termites, the stealthy destroyers lurking beneath the surface. In this tropical haven, these tiny terrors thrive, posing a silent threat to your properties structural integrity. Join us as we delve into the enchanting allure of Florida and the imperative need to protect your slice of paradise from the unseen perils of termites.

What attracts termites to homes?

Excessive rainwater runoff, leaky spigots, and air conditioning water runoff can create conducive conditions for subterranean termites in Florida due to the following factors:

  1. Moisture Accumulation: Subterranean termites in Florida are highly dependent on moisture for their survival. Excessive rainwater runoff, leaky spigots, and air conditioning runoff can lead to the accumulation of moisture in and around a property. This provides termites with the necessary conditions for foraging, nesting, and thriving.
  2. Soil Accessibility: Subterranean termites live in the soil and build mud tunnels or galleries to access their food sources and nesting sites. Excess moisture in the soil near a structure makes it easier for termites to create and maintain these tunnels. When water runoff saturates the soil, termites can more readily establish pathways into buildings.
  3. Weakened Wood: Moisture can cause wood to soften and weaken. When excessive water runoff or leaks occur, it can lead to the deterioration of wooden structural elements in and around homes. Weakened wood is more attractive to termites as a food source, making infestations more likely.
  4. Concealment: Moisture often leads to the formation of mud tubes or shelter tubes, which subterranean termites use for protection and to maintain their preferred humid environment. These tubes can conceal termite activity, making it challenging to detect an infestation until it has become significant.
  5. Availability of Water Sources: Termites not only require moisture for their survival but also seek out water sources. Leaky spigots and air conditioning runoff provide readily available water for termites, reducing their need to forage long distances to find water.
  6. Year-Round Activity: In Florida’s warm and humid climate, subterranean termites remain active year-round. The combination of abundant moisture and a conducive climate creates ideal conditions for termites to thrive and reproduce.

To prevent subterranean termite infestations in Florida, it is crucial to manage moisture issues around your property. This includes addressing water runoff problems, repairing leaks, ensuring proper drainage, and keeping wood and soil dry. Regular termite inspections by professionals can also help detect infestations in their early stages when they are easier to manage.

Sentricon Subterranean Termite Bait Stations

Termite bait stations are a key tool in subterranean termite control, especially in places like Florida where these pests are common. Here’s how they work:

  1. Installation: Termite bait stations are placed strategically around the perimeter of a home, typically spaced about 10 to 20 feet apart. They are buried in the ground so that termites can access them easily.
  2. Bait: Inside each station, there is a cellulose-based bait that termites find attractive. This bait is usually made from wood or paper and serves as a food source for the termites.
  3. Monitoring: The termite bait stations are monitored yearly by one of our licensed pest control professionals. During these inspections, the technician checks for signs of termite activity as well as conducive conditions that can bring about a termite colony.
  4. Baiting: When termite activity is detected in one or more bait stations, the technician will replace the bait if it has been eaten. The specialized bait contains a slow-acting growth regulator that stops termites from molting. Molting is a vital process, and without it, the termite colony cannot survive. Termites feed on this bait and carry it back to the colony.
  5. Colony Elimination: As the termites consume the bait and share it with other members of the colony, it begins to affect the termite population. Over time, the colony is weakened, and ultimately, it can be eliminated.
  6. Regular Maintenance: Even after the colony is eliminated, the bait stations are monitored  yearly to ensure there are no signs of new termite activity. Regular maintenance helps prevent future infestations.
  7. Environmental Considerations: Termite bait stations are considered more environmentally friendly than traditional liquid termiticides because they use less pesticide and specifically target termites.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of termite bait stations can vary depending on factors like the type of termites, the specific bait used, and the skill of the pest control professional. Regular inspections and maintenance are crucial to ensure long-term protection against subterranean termites in Florida or any other region prone to termite infestations.

Why my house?

Subterranean termites in Florida and elsewhere typically find wood in homes through a combination of foraging behavior and moisture detection. Here’s how they do it:

  1. Foraging: Subterranean termites have worker termites that constantly search for new sources of wood. They create mud tunnels or tubes on the ground or along walls, which they use to navigate to potential food sources, including the wood in homes.
  2. Moisture Detection: Termites are highly attracted to moisture. They can sense moisture levels in soil and wood. In Florida, where humidity is often high, these pests are particularly drawn to areas where there’s excess moisture, such as leaky pipes, clogged gutters, or areas with poor drainage. They may enter homes through these points.
  3. Cracks and Crevices: Termites can squeeze through tiny cracks and crevices in the foundation or walls of a home. They may find entry points near areas with moisture issues or where wood is in contact with soil.
  4. Wood-to-Soil Contact: Termites thrive in soil, so if there is direct contact between wood and soil around the foundation of a home, they can easily access the structural wood.

Once termites find a suitable entry point and a source of wood, they establish colonies within the wood, feeding on it and potentially causing significant damage over time. Regular inspections and preventive measures are crucial in Florida and other termite-prone areas to detect and deter these destructive pests.

Eastern Subterranean Termite Life Cycle


The life cycle of Eastern subterranean termites, like most termite species, consists of several distinct stages:

  1. Egg Stage: It begins when the queen termite lays eggs. Termite eggs are tiny and typically white. The eggs are cared for by worker termites and kept in specially constructed chambers within the colony.
  2. Nymph Stage: Once the eggs hatch, they develop into nymphs. Nymphs are young termites that resemble smaller versions of adult termites. They go through several molts as they grow.
  3. Worker Stage: Nymphs eventually mature into worker termites. Worker termites are responsible for tasks such as foraging for food, caring for the eggs and nymphs, and building and maintaining tunnels and galleries within the colony.
  4. Soldier Stage: Some nymphs develop into soldier termites. These termites have larger heads and powerful jaws, which they use to defend the colony against predators like ants.
  5. Reproductive Stage: Some mature nymphs and workers develop into alates, also known as swarmers or reproductives. These are the termites responsible for starting new colonies. They have wings and are equipped for flight.
  6. Swarming: When conditions are right, typically during the spring, alates leave the colony in a swarm. They fly, mate, and eventually shed their wings. The mated pairs then find a suitable location to start a new colony.
  7. King and Queen: After shedding their wings, the mated pair becomes the king and queen of a new termite colony. They dig a chamber and produce the first batch of eggs, starting the cycle anew.

The Eastern subterranean termite colony consists of the king, queen, workers, soldiers, and nymphs. The workers and soldiers are responsible for maintaining and protecting the colony, while the king and queen are the primary reproducers.

It’s important to note that termite colonies can be long-lived, with queens capable of laying thousands of eggs per day, allowing the colony to grow and persist for many years if not treated or controlled.

How can you identify Eastern Subterranean termites?

Identifying subterranean termites in a Florida home requires careful observation of specific signs. Here are some telltale signs to look for:

  1. Mud Tubes: Subterranean termites build mud tubes to travel between their underground nests and food sources. These tubes, typically about the width of a pencil, can be found along foundation walls, wooden structures, or in crawl spaces.
  2. Damaged Wood: Subterranean termites feed on cellulose, which is found in wood. Look for wood that appears hollowed out or has a honeycomb-like texture. Tap the wood to see if it sounds hollow.
  3. Swarmers: During the spring, subterranean termites may release swarms of winged reproductive individuals. These winged termites are often mistaken for flying ants. Termites have straight antennae, a thick waist, and wings of equal length, while ants have bent antennae, a narrow waist, and wings of different lengths.
  4. Discarded Wings: After a termite swarm, you may find discarded wings near window sills, doors, or other light sources. These wings are often a sign of an active infestation.
  5. Sagging or Buckling Floors: Subterranean termites can weaken wooden flooring, causing it to sag or buckle.
  6. Hollow-Sounding Walls: Gently tap walls, window frames, and other wooden structures. If they sound hollow, it could indicate termite damage.
  7. Cracked or Bubbling Paint: Termites can cause paint to bubble or crack as they tunnel underneath the surface.
  8. Visible Termite Workers: While less common, you may occasionally spot worker termites foraging for food. They are pale, soft-bodied, and about 1/8 inch long.
  9. Fecal Pellets: Drywood Termites often push fecal pellets out of small exit holes near their nests. These pellets resemble tiny, elongated grains of rice and can accumulate in piles.

If you suspect a termite infestation in your home, it’s crucial to contact a licensed pest control professional, like Dave’s Pest Control for a thorough inspection and appropriate treatment. Termite damage can be extensive and costly, so early detection is key to minimizing potential structural damage.

Call us today for a free estimate for your home, business or condominium.

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